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A 3.5 million euro call for proposals for young Italian and foreign researchers to “attract” brains towards Southern Italy. Deadline October 7th 2015 

Promoted by Fondazione CON IL SUD, the Call for proposals “Brains2South” kicks off, addressing Italian and foreign researchers who are currently carrying out their research activities abroad or in Italy (outside Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Apulia, Sardinia and Sicily). The initiative aims at “attracting” young excellences in research centres and university departments in Southern Italy, in order to increase connections with the rest of the world and to provide a chance to develop and strengthen independent careers. As pointed out by the National Bureau of Economic Research, the percentage of foreign researchers in our country is only just 3%. As opposed to this, as many as 16% of Italian researchers decided to continue with their research activities abroad.

The call for highly qualified human capital, at its fourth edition now, is published on with a 3.5 million euro funding. Deadline is October 7th 2015.

more information: Brains 2 South

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