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Nobel laureate Dr. Venki Ramakrishnan attends event for Diplomatic Scientific Attaches organised at the Italian Cultural Institute

venki ramakrishnan
Dr Venki Ramakrishnan, guest speaker at the scientific event at the ICI, London

The Italian Cultural Institute in Belgrave Square hosted an event attended by Scientific attaches of the foreign missions in London yesterday evening. Prof. Roberto Di Lauro, Scientific Attaché of the Italian Embassy in London, co-organised the conference together with the Office of the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Professor Robin Grimes.

Ambassador Pasquale Q. Terracciano welcomed the guest of honour, Nobel laureate Sir Venki Ramakrishnan, who gave a speech explaining the activity of the Royal Society and outlining his career to the audience, which also included many representatives of the diplomatic community with an interest in science. This was Dr Ramakrishnan’s first public engagement in 2016.

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