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La Serenissima hold concert at the Residence of the Italian Ambassador in search of private donors

Unearthing the music of Venice, Vivaldi & the Italian baroque

A rich programme of works by Vivaldi, Albinoni, Brescianello and Caldara was performed in front of an audience made up of Baroque music aficionados, with the aim of reaching out for private donor support.

Under the recently afforded patronage of His Excellency The Italian Ambassador, Pasquale Terracciano, La Serenissima has won critical acclaim for its new recording The Italian Job: a feast of instrumental colour featuring oboes, bassoons, trumpets, trombone, timpani, strings and continuo, by some of the finest composers of the Italian baroque.

Founded in 1994 by violinist Adrian Chandler, La Serenissima is now recognised as the UK’s leading exponent of the music of eighteenth century Venice and its connected composers, they bring great baroque music to the widest possible audience through their trademark mix of musical works and unknown gems; through live performances, talks and workshops.

They will be recording and touring their Vivaldi Doubles programme during the 2017/18 season, and will play a leading role in Martin Randall’s Vivaldi in Venice festival (November 2017), in a significant year during which the Veneto capital is also celebrating the 450th anniversary of Monteverdi’s birth. The festival will feature performances of sacred choral works by soprano Lucy Crowe and their in-house choir, The Four Seasons and opera Teuzzone with a flamboyant cast including Renata Pokupic, Ashley Riches and Hilary Summers.

2019 will see the ensemble celebrate its 25th Anniversary.

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