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Italian Design Day 2019 in the UK

A conversation with Benedetta Tagliabue: “Design and the City of the future”

London celebrates the third edition of Italian Design Day (IDD), a series highlighting Italian design in the world that was launched by the Italian Foreign Ministry in 2017, with a conversation between the renowned architect Benedetta Tagliabue and the design editor of Wallpaper magazine, Rosa Bertoli. The audience in attendance comprised mainly experts in the sector, collectors, investors and the press.

The main theme of the third edition of IDD “the city of the future, quality of life and the new frontiers in living” brought to the limelight the possibilities that design and architecture have brought to improving urban centres and improving quality of life, by promoting ideas, projects and debates on the creation of the cities of the future.

During his opening remarks, Ambassador Raffaele Trombetta underlined how Italian design is one of the strengths of Italy, thanks to its capacity to combine the sense of beauty with technology and sustainability. Architect Tagliabue, while showing her various projects carried out in Milan, Barcelona, Naples, Edinburigh and Shanghai, to name a few, pointed out how “good” design can contribute to regenerate urban areas and improve their quality of life. Especially in the case of improving urban degradation or reconversion of pre-existent, it is fundamental to pay attention to context, Tagliabue remarked, while reminding the importance of bringing projects to fruition that are fully integrated with the surrounding environment and history.

The IDD stresses how design is a fundamental and strategic instrument for the promotion of “Made in Italy” – in fact, thanks to the design industry, Italy has noticeably increased the international profile of its companies and contributed to the creation of original products that are appreciated across the world.

The entire Italian diplomatic network took part in the Italian Design Day, which saw the participation of more than 100 “ambassadors” of Italian design at events and conferences in all the world, including designers, urban planners and professors who promote the design sector.


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