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International Prize: The Naked Theatre, Teresa Pomodoro!

Spazio Teatro NO’HMA, the Teresa Pomodoro Association and the Township of Milan, with the patronage of the President of the Republic and the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, presents the XI edition of the International Prize: The Naked Theatre, Teresa Pomodoro!

Il Teatro Nudo (The Naked Theatre) is a theatre that explores humanity and society through artistic research. The Prize aims to help reveal and promote those forms of “theatre of inclusion” that brings theatre into the heart of society, giving back to the theatrical arts their value of experience and an opportunity for growth and sharing, opened to everybody, without any distinctions of age, social class, sex, culture or religion.

The Prize is dedicated to the memory of Teresa Pomodoro, who first conceived and gave life to an idea of theatre open to all the artistic crossovers that puts at the centre of its own artistic expression its ethical, cathartic and mimetic function. It’s a theatre that gives voice to exclusion, social degradation, suburbs and to the lack of communication between individuals.

To gain access to the selections of the 2019/2020 edition, participants must submit to

Spazio Teatro No’hma Teresa Pomodoro, Via Orcagna 2, 20131 Milano
or by writing to 

the following material (that will not be returned):

– Presentation of the company
– Description of the project
– Video of the show on DVD (3 copies, VOB format)
– Press, if available


Presentation of the International Prize

Regulations International Prize 2019-20


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