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Scholarships for PhD in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples


From epidemics, climate change and sustainability to seismic engineering and Industry 4.0, all the crucial challenges facing mankind today require the ability to understand and engineer ever growing reliable interdependent, complex and interconnected systems and infrastructure. If you are interested in studying complex systems and understanding how to manage and mitigate risks and cascade effects, this is the programme for you!

Applications are now open for the 4-year PhD program in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale, a school for advanced studies established in Naples by the Italian Government in 2019. See

The school is looking for bright and ambitious students from any area of mathematics, physics, science and engineering to join this exciting new programme.

Eight fully funded 4-year scholarships are available this year

Each scholarship includes a stipend of 19,000 EUR per year which is increased by 50% when the student is spending time abroad.
Students are expected to spend at least 12 months abroad during their PhD.
Each scholarship also includes approx EUR 3,000 for research costs/travel per year.
Students can choose their projects and supervisor from a vast range of options during their first year. Examples of past and ongoing research projects are available on the website of the MERC PhD program at

Applicants must submit a brief scientific report (description of their MSc thesis work, CV, personal statement and reference letters) following the instructions provided at the website above by 25 August 2023. Applications must be submitted online at

Successful candidates will be announced by the end of September 2022 with the course officially starting on 1 November 2023.

For further information see the PhD website at or contact the PhD Coordinator, Prof. Mario di Bernardo, at, or any of the PhD Board members listed on the PhD website above.